Following a proven organizational pattern of other global graduate business schools, the Alba governance is based on a “dual entity” model: 1. Alba Graduate Business School (AGBS), an operating division of The American College of Greece (ACG) offering academic degree programs; 2. Alba Association (Association) offering executive education and applied research programs.
AGBS functions within ACG’s overall, independent, non-profit, U.S.-based, governance system: ACG’s highest governing authority rests with the ACG board of trustees, which appoints, evaluates and delegates overall ACG operating responsibility to the ACG president and approves ACG (including AGBS) academic programs; the AGBS Executive Dean reports directly to the ACG president, serves as a member of the President’s Cabinet along with other senior ACG administrators and provides leadership for AGBS academic and administrative operations; the Provost, ACG’s Chief Higher Education Academic Officer, has administrative responsibility for assuring alignment with accreditation standards of the New England Commission of Higher Education, ACG’s U.S. higher education accrediting body.
The Association is an independent, non-profit, Greece-based, governance entity: the Association’s highest governing authority rests with the Association General Assembly, which includes founding and corporate members and elects an Association board of directors; the board of directors delegates to the Executive Dean overall administrative responsibility for Association operations; the AGBS Executive Dean also serves as the Executive Dean of the Association and reports to the Association board of directors.